

Mandatory Water Use Restrictions In Effect


Restriction of Water Use

The Commissioners, acting under the authority granted to them under the enabling act (Chapter 17 of the Acts of 1939, as amended), as well as any authority arising under the Massachusetts General Laws, reserve the right to restrict or regulate water use upon Declaration of Water Supply emergency issued by the Department of Environmental Protection under M.G.L. c.40, §41A, as amended.

Declaration of a State of Water Supply Conservation

Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency

The drought management task force will designate regions in Massachusetts as normal or levels of drought from a level 1 to as high as level 4. The Water District will use calendar based water restrictions which take effect from May 1st to September 30th or by monitoring stream flows to implement base line water restrictions, which are no non-essential use between the hours of 9am and 5pm. The baseline water restrictions take place regardless of a higher drought level status. 

The Board of Water Commissioners may declare a State of Water Supply Conservation upon a determination by a majority vote of the Board that a shortage of water exists, and conservation measures are appropriate to protect the water supply and to ensure an adequate supply of water to all water consumers. Such a declaration could be caused by a major source failure, or a large water main break that may be difficult to recover from with high system demand.

Restricted Water Uses

A declaration of a State of Water Supply conservation may include one or more of the following restrictions, conditions, or requirements limiting the use of water as necessary to protect the water supply. The applicable restrictions, conditions or requirements shall be included in the public notice required in Section 4.

Level 1 (Mild Drought) 1 day per week watering, after 5pm, or before 9am (to minimize evaporative losses)

Level 2(Significant Drought) Limit outdoor watering to hand-held hoses or watering cans, to be used only after 5pm or before 9am.

Level 3 (Critical Drought) Ban on all nonessential outdoor water use.

Level 4 (Emergency Drought) Ban on all nonessential outdoor water use.

Restricted Nonessential Outdoor Water Uses

1.    Irrigation of lawns via automatic irrigation systems or sprinklers

2.    Filling of swimming pools

3.    Washing of vehicles, except in a commercial car wash or as necessary for safety.

4.    Washing exterior building surfaces, parking lots, driveways or sidewalks except as necessary to apply surface treatments such as paint, preservatives, stucco, pavement or cement.

Uses allowed when mandatory restrictions are in place

1.    Irrigation to establish a new lawn and new plantings during the months of May and September.

2.    Irrigation of public parks and recreational fields before 9am and after 5pm.

3.    Irrigation of gardens, flowers and ornamental plants by means of a hand-held hose or drop irrigation system.

4.    Irrigation of lawns by means of a hand-held hose.

Water uses NOT subject to mandatory restrictions

1.    For health and safety reasons

2.    By regulation

3.    For the production of food and fiber

4.    For the maintenance of livestock

5.    To meet the core functions of a business (for example, irrigation by golf courses as necessary to maintain tees, greens, and minimal fairway watering, or irrigation by plant nurseries as necessary to maintain stock)

Public Notification of a State of Water Supply conservation: Notification

Notification of any provision, restriction, requirement, or condition imposed by the Water District as part of a State of Water Supply conservation shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation within the District, or by such other means reasonably calculated to reach and inform all users of water of the State of Water Supply conservation. Any restriction imposed under section 3 shall not be effective until such notification is provided. In addition, such Notification shall be posted at the District headquarters in an area accessible to the public. Notification of the State of Water Supply Conservation shall also be simultaneously provided to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection.

Termination of a State of Water Supply

A State of Water Supply Conservation may be terminated by a majority vote of the Board of Water Commissioners upon determination that the water supply shortage no longer exists. Public notification of such termination shall be given in a manner provided in the preceding section.

Compliance with DEP Orders

Upon notification to the public that a declaration of a State of Water Supply Emergency has been issued by the Department of Environmental Protection, or the Board of Water Commissioners, no person shall violate any provision, restriction, requirement or condition of any order approved or issued by the DEP pursuant to such declaration or intended to alleviate or bring about the end of such State of Emergency.

Fines that will be imposed upon failure to comply.

           1st offense – written warning

           2nd offense - $50.00

           3rd offense - $100.00

           4th offense - $500.00

Any continued offense will be multiple of $500 and/or termination of service as directed by the Board of Water Commissioners. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense with violations resetting the beginning of each calendar year.

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